NXG Standards

Teaching Standards

Instructional Support Professional Learning Forum

ELA Support Document K-12

Math Support Document K-8 and MATH 9


What has been the greatest benefit of this co-teaching project regarding your teaching practices?

"The time allotted each month to co-plan with my co-teacher (we do not have co-planning at school and are only able to see each other when we are in our classroom full of students.) I also greatly enjoyed and benefited from hearing what other teachers at other schools are doing and if/how well it is working for them. Networking with other teachers is priceless!"

Co-Teach PD Announcement

Co-Teaching VIDEO

The preceding video link highlights an excellent example of what co-teaching can be. It is our goal in Raleigh County to practice exemplary collaborative techniques within our co-taught classrooms, the same exemplary practices modeled in this video. This is the level at which we choose to set the bar and together we can become exemplars of this standard as well.